Why Should My Business Use the Trade Media?

Utilising the trade media is an effective strategy for building your brand’s authority. However, many businesses are still missing out on this opportunity!

The trade press covers many different industries including:

With so many chances to promote your business to relevant industries, ignoring this marketing channel could be costly.

Understanding the Trade Media

The first step towards understanding why your business should use the trade press is understanding what it is exactly that they do.

So, let me enlighten you…The trade media circulates industry news, insight and expertise to niche sectors. These publications are great for expanding your knowledge of the latest trends in your industry. They also fill you in on the latest technological developments. Some popular themes in the trade media include the development of hydrogen fuel in the energy sector and the increased use of automation in the warehousing sector.

Warehouse interior

What Do They Offer to My Business?

If you’re looking to be featured in a B2B magazine, there are two directions you can take to achieve this.

The first method is advertising and the second is writing great content for editors to use in their publications.

Trade Media Advertising

Advertising is a quick way to get featured in the trade media and allows you to gain an instant boost to your company’s brand awareness from their readership.

Reading an article in the trade media

However, one of the drawbacks of this is that advertising is costly so may not be sustainable for your business in the long run. Another disadvantage is that advertising does not have the same longevity in the minds of readers as written content.

Getting Published

Having your expertise published in the trade media is great for boosting your brand’s presence, awareness and authority with an industry.

You can achieve some great results for your business through:

  • Participating in an interview with the editor.
  • Writing a case study to showcase the brilliant work your company does.
  • Advertising your new product launch in a press release.
  • Sharing your opinion on an industry issue in a feature piece.

The Benefits of Featuring in The Trade Media

When it comes to building your brand, being featured in the trade media is excellent for showcasing your industry knowledge. This helps increase your business’s share of voice within its target industry by reaching a new audience.

It also build’s your authority as readers can see the expertise you have on your niche. Whether that be palletising robots, HR solutions or data centre cooling techniques – readers will remember your name. Familiarity also builds trust so the more that you get your business out there, the more likely it is that prospects will convert.

Business deal

Not Just for Now

And the benefits don’t stop there.

Trade media continues to build your business’s profile even after your article has gone out of print. With more people reading B2B publications online, your insight can continue to be found by new audiences who are looking for information on your niche.

online news articles

Then, as your publication portfolio builds up, your backlink profile will also increase. This will boost your website performance by driving relevant industry traffic to your webpages.

Our PR Service

Does your business want to unlock the power of PR? Allotts has got your back!

To start your PR journey please get in touch.

Our team of specialists are ready to work with your business to grow your brand’s authority and get you published!

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