3 Case Study Tips to Boost Your Business

Generate Great Publicity With a Killer Case Study

Writing a killer case study will boost your business’s profile and generate great publicity for your brand. The trick to achieving this is to target relevant sector topics with beautifully crafted case studies.

This approach helped one of our clients, a global Compostable Packaging Supplier, get over 80 pieces of coverage in the trade press across Europe.

In other words, they work!

Let’s take the first step towards curating the perfect case study…

1.      Show your Niche Business Sector Expertise

Being in a niche industry is no bad thing. Case studies are targeted at a specific, achieved goal in your niche sector.

You start by explaining the product or service you provide, our client provided compostable packaging to an international maker of sustainable cocoa beans. Then as the expert, you incorporate compelling facts and experiences to create a beautiful story.

Next let’s talk about nurturing.

case study planning

2.      Use Your Case Study to Strengthen Customer Relationships

Case studies are a vital trust and relationship building asset for your customers. They also help nurture your leads into converting.

Scepticism can be hard for companies to put to one side, especially if they have not heard of or worked with your business previously. Our crafted case studies help your business showcase its USPs and quality customer service. This will help convince decision makers of your prestige and win you further business.

Great, right? Now let’s discuss spreading some positivity.

3.      Collaboration

Sorry to be so cliched for a moment, but the ‘proof of the pudding (is in the eating).’

Forgiving the little indulgence but case studies highlight the positive news generated by positive collaborations between companies and PR agencies. You make the pudding, we’ll sell the pudding.

How Will a Case Study Benefit My Business?

As well as raising your brand’s presence in the trade press, the benefits do not stop there. A strong case study will be read and shared across many marketing channels. This means the benefits of publicity continue long after you first publish your case study.

case study typed on a typewriter

Social Media Buzz

A strong case study can generate strong follow-on content across all social media channels. That means spreading the awareness of your brand across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more. So remember, social content is great for your business as it is easily digestible and gets your message out to your core audience.

Grow Your Reputability

Finally, as we are verbal storytellers ‘facts tell and stories sell’. There is a strong tradition throughout history of troubadours and poets performing in the courts of kings and queens, theatres, and open mic nights. A great story grips, demands attention and will keep your brand in your audience’s memory.

Remember, 97% of B2B customers say reviews and testimonials are the most reliable type of content. Case studies are the kings and queens of online reviews and testimonials.

So, don’t get caught short in their court. Allott and Associates has 30 years’ experience crafting, finely tuned case studies that get you great publicity in the press. Our bespoke databases mean your specific case studies for your business will be targeted at the right press to really make a splash. You will get real business results with a case study story that grips attention and demands to be read.

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