From Zero to Hero: 0 to 20,000 Organic Impressions in 3 Months!

We helped a struggling client in the automation industry go from 0 to 20,000 impressions on social media in just three months!

What they had to offer was potentially game changing, but that didn’t make a lot of difference to their sales, because so few of their target audience had heard of them!

If you’re looking to increase your reach and get your brand in front of your target audience, read on to find out how we helped this company:

  • Go from 0 to 20,000 impressions on LinkedIn.
  • Almost double its following.
  • Be invited to participate in an expert panel discussing key issues affecting their industry.

Image showing our client's following almost double in just under three months

The Problem

This client, specialising in machine vision consultancy, came to us in need of a serious boost. The company was looking to increase its social media presence on LinkedIn and get its brand in front of its target audience.

Initially our client was virtually non-existent on LinkedIn as the company page was yet to be set up and the Managing Director only had around 300 connections on his personal profile.

Visibility was a big issue. What the company had to offer potential customers was great but it desperately needed to get its name out there in the most effective way possible. This is where Allott and Associates came in to implement an effective social media strategy.

How We Made Our Client a Social Media Star

When we started working with this client, we audited what the company was doing in terms of its media presence, highlighting areas for improvement and putting a strategic plan in place.

Optimising Our Client’s LinkedIn Profiles

First of all we set about optimising both the LinkedIn company profile and that of the MD, so that it was clear to prospects:

  • The specific services the company specialised in.
  • Why they should choose our client’s business over its competitors.
  • How to reach out if they were interested in the company’s services.

Providing the Answer to Industry Challenges Using Social Content

The next step involved creating social content that addressed the key pain points of the client’s target audience. So rather than selling for the sake of selling, we took a ‘solve to sell’ approach.

In other words, the content was based around providing solutions to the problems the target audience was facing.

Rather than emphasising the benefits of our client’s services, we emphasised the ways our client could save prospects time and money and help them improve their own production process.

Image of someone using social media

Adding a Personal Touch

As well as the more technical content, we also created content that informed followers about the Managing Director’s professional background, interests and hobbies.

Followers got a real taste of the MD’s personality and the company’s culture, which led to much higher levels of engagement.

Posting this sort of content also worked wonders for growing our client’s reach with some of the best performing posts receiving more than 45 likes and comments.

It was through these industry discussions and interactions that the MD was eventually invited to take part in an expert panel discussing key industry debates.

The Results

In just three months, the company’s online following had almost doubled, the accounts had accumulated over 20,000 impressions and the MD was becoming nationally recognised as an authority in his field.

Image showing our client's reach increasing from 0 to 20,000 impressions

If you’re struggling to get conversions and your marketing spend feels like a waste of money, get in touch!

Allott and Associates has specialised in marketing and PR for the Logistics, Packaging and Manufacturing industries for over 30 years.

Plus, it’s always worth seeking out advice and support from a marketing company that specialises in your field. You may have a fantastic product offering, but knowing how to get this message across effectively to the right people requires expert guidance.